Sunday, May 24, 2020
Managing Yourself on Time Management - 1285 Words
Contents. Page 3. Introduction. Page 4. Symptoms of Stress and Stress Support Systems. Page 5. Personal Objective. (SMART) Page 5. Statistical Evidence. Page 6. Conclusion. Page 7- 15 Appendix. Managing Yourself Introduction Managing yourself, or time management as it is also known, can be achieved in many ways. Once achieved, good or effective time management fast becomes a skill that others may wish that they had. An often asked question is What is Time management and how does it link to causes of stress. Time management is a skill that enables you to plan your tasks, to achieve the best possible results, in the time you have available. The World Health Organisations (WHO) definition, of work-related stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope. If you have the skill of effective time management, the advantages can be very precious indeed. These advantages will help you with work, home and health. Effective time management enables you to complete tasks in a timely fashion, increasing productivity, and reducing the possible need to work late. Effective time management also helps with team morale, as work tasks are planned in a timely, measured way, easing pressure. With a happy, productive team working in the business, keeping to timescales, keeps the customer happy and increasesShow MoreRelatedThe And Detailed Time Management Tips For A Fulfilling Life1102 Words  | 5 Pagesractical and Detailed Time Management Tips for a Fulfilling Life By Nirupama N Raghavan | Submitted On January 21, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Nirupama N Raghavan Time is what we needRead MoreManaging Time as an Adult Learner933 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Managing time as an adult learner Daniel L. Beard COLL100 B155 Sum 13 American Military University Prof. Allen Olsen Managing time as an adult learner Some people say â€Å"there aren’t enough hours in the day†. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Booming Agriculture Mesopotamia, Gold Rush, and Potato Plant
The historical land of Mesopotamia significantly contributed to early civilization in relation to its close proximity to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and rich fertile land it provided. The rivers offered the people of Mesopotamia fertile soil, irrigation water for crops and fishing, and also supplied an abundance of wild barley and wheat for food or could stored as a food supply. The first settlers of Mesopotamia learned to cultivate and harvest crops, which would provide a bountiful supply for food. This enabled the people to settle and create villages, which eventually led to larger communities and cities. People no longer had to move throughout the land hunting animals in order to feed but instead could live off the land and in†¦show more content†¦Though many centuries have past and the people of Mesopotamia are long gone, the civilized world continues to build from the adaptation of their systematical way of life. B. The Potato plant can be traced back many centuries and is thought to have originated in South Americas. The Incas in Peru were the first known to farm the potato. The Incas had learned to preserve the potato for storage by dehydrating and mashing potatoes into a substance called chuà ±u. Chuà ±u could be stored in a room for up to 10 years, providing excellent insurance against possible crop failures. (Chapman, n.d.). The popularity of this plant may be related to its relatively low maintenance in planted and growing. It also provides a good source of nutrition. The seeds or tubers of the potato plant are easily planted and or can be stored for use at another time. This provided farmers the ease or regrowth when potatoes supplies would begin to diminish. There are thousands of varieties of potatoes, which today can be found all across the world. In the 16th century, the Spanish Conquistadors brought the Potato back with them to Spain after their voyage to South America. In Spain it grew slowly in popularity and it was not long before the Potato made its way across Europe. Europeans also gradually gained acceptance of the Potato plant, as it was a good source of food and growing the plant was relatively low maintenance. As Potatoes spread across Europe, they eventually made their way
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Secret Techniques for Essay Writing Topics for Children Only Couple of People Know
Secret Techniques for Essay Writing Topics for Children Only Couple of People Know Typically, a syllable is marked by means of a vowel sound. There are a lot of words which don't have a rhyme. MP3 music needs to be free. Because your complete poem is just 17 syllables, each word has to be carefully chosen to say precisely what you wish to communicate. How to Get Started with Essay Writing Topics for Children? Creative writing is a significant developmental skill for children. Vegetables could really be an excellent resource for fun stories. Exploring new things has ever been a wonderful entertainment for everybody. Children get to practise writing about various characters through this subject, and at the very same time they learn to create use of adjectives to spell out the superheroes they admire. Essay Writing Topics for Children Secrets That No One Else Knows About Also, it's important to select specific age group (target audience) ahead of writing. There's no harm g etting ideas from the many creative writing examples readily available online, provided that you use your discretion and make certain the writing is your own. Before students begin to write, it is a very good idea for them to earn a list of the points they would like to make to their readers. Therefore, it runs with good accuracy with no downtimes. Writing is an enjoyable way to pass the time for the two adults and kids alike. Creative men and women take a look at an identical thing as the rest of us and think unique thoughts. The Tried and True Method for Essay Writing Topics for Children in Step by Step Detail Music downloading is a well-known activity with both kids and grownups. If you wish to get to learn how a child sees himself or herself at a young age, you might want them to compose an All About Me essay. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory over a particular age. Cell phones shouldn't be used while driving. There's an eye-popping and jaw-dropping range av ailable for children, and that too, at inexpensive prices. You may also acquire a variety of discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Just make it a point which you do not shop from a specific shop, because it's offering extremely cheap rates. You have to spend a certain sum of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet so as to discover some helpful data for your academic paper. Textbooks ought to be free. School tests aren't effective. Books ought never to be banned. You've got a favourite book, but your library doesn't have any copies of it. The Birth of Essay Writing Topics for Children Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Kids should have the ability to vote. Children should have to read more. They should be able to use cellphones in school. It is crucial to compose a book that kids are going to be able to remember easily. Otherwise, tell whether you want to get a brother or sister. Persuade your sister or brother to assist you talk your parents into something you would like to do. Write about your very best friend. School should occur in the evenings. Consider what might be broken. Every one of these ideas can be developed in a lot of ways. There are a couple of easy guidelines to follow as a way to be in a position to compose an excellent persuasive essay. Instead, follow these 3 suggestions to make sure you give your students a very good range of topics from which to pick. Try out a number of these topics. Therefore the excuse they're just kids doesn't really work when it has to do with writing a book for kids. Your teacher provides you with a list of words which don't have a rhyme. By these means, children are going to have opportunity to use their imaginations and bring them to life by making use of their words. They love pictures and there is no reason why this reality should be ignored when writing a book for kids. A superb story line is vital. You can select to develop a story depending on the life or adventures of different children. You still have to create interesting characters together with a compelling story. Write a story concerning this. Sport functions as a parallel to numerous pertinent problems that are observed in other regions of work and life. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory for the initial five years after obtaining a license. Year round school isn't a good idea. Think of how folks obtain their news today. This list of topics may offer a notion that you could get excited about. Everybody should have to exercise daily.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
On Our Way free essay sample
Will Rogers once said, â€Å"If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.†When determining the laws of life that appealed to me, this quote emerged in my mind. The rising generation has the potential for great things, but in order to achieve that high of capacity, they need perseverance, direction, and self-reliance. I recall walking into my classroom on the first day of kindergarten knowing for certain that I wanted to become a teacher just like all the other young girls in my class. But as I grew older, I became more passionate about the world of medicine and caring for people. About two years ago, I read a book that I had recently checked out at the library that a friend recommended. It was called All the Light We Cannot See written by Anthony Doerr. The novel takes place in France during World War II and is centralized around the life of a blind French girl named Marie-Laure LeBlanc and an eighteen-year-old German boy named Werner Pfennig. Reading this story about determination and destiny led to a turning point in my life. Throughout the war, both Marie and Werner feel as if they have no control over their lives. However, after the two characters meet and realize how alike they are, they become stronger and begin to take control of themselves. As I was reading this, I felt as if I should take action in my own life and the first step in doing that would be to find something that I am interested in. After searching for about a week with no luck, I happened to walk in on my mom watching the T.V. show Scrubs. Interested, I sat down next to her and began to watch. When the episode finished, I realized I had found what I had been seeking the entire time. I had not just been looking for a hobby or interest, I had been looking for a p urpose to strive for and I had found it. My mind filled with endless possibilities that only grew larger as I learned more about health and the body. As I continued to take educational opportunities working towards my career in medicine, I realized I needed perseverance. Dedicating my time to my school work and not giving up brought me great rewards throughout the years and it continues to do so. My plans to study with my career goals in mind throughout 9th to 12th grade continue to develop and evolve because of my persistence in looking for a variety of health classes and programs offered at school and online. The ability to endure to the end and stay determined can assist one in the process of going above and beyond in education and life. As I finish off my freshman year at Mountain Pointe High School, I remain diligent preparing for the future by saving money, participating in extracurricular activities, and working hard to earn good grades. One day while we were driving to a friend’s house, my mom decided to take an unknown shortcut to reach our destination quicker. That risky shortcut took us to the wrong place and we ended up becoming lost. We became increasingly angry with one another as more time went by. Frustrated in our attempts, we decided to always have direction and a goal in mind before we began driving in order to prevent a situation like it from happening again. Having objectives to work for will prepare one for the road of life where the ultimate destination is success in doing something loved. Although people may not realize it, everyone is in control of where their car on the road of life ends up. We are the ones turning the steering wheel and putting our feet on the pedals. Every once in awhile, our foot will slip off the gas and hit the brake by accident, but learning from our mistakes is a part of life. If a person knows where they are going and has confidence not only in the direction, but in their abilities as well, then they will reach success. It is true that we can all get a little lost along the way sometimes, but that is what setting goals is for. They act as GPS’s in our lives to help us get where we want to go. Setting objectives to achieve in my life encourages me to take advantage of opportunities that will prepare and send me in a medical career direction. For example, I am planning on attending a Summer Scholars Nursing Program at ASU this summer and taking anatomy and physiology classes during my sophomore year. I hope to have the pleasure of becoming a nursing assistant before my graduation in 2020. As I walk down the aisle to receive my diploma senior year, I imagine starting a new chapter in my book of life. This chapter tends to be full of difficult choices, new surroundings, and plenty of self-reliance. About a year and a half ago, I learned the true meaning of relying on yourself. My mom unexpectedly ended up in the hospital for several days and my younger sister and I were left alone. During that period of time, we were forced to cook our own meals, do our chores without being asked, and comfort each other when we were feeling stressed or unhappy. It was very difficult dealing with schoolwork, worrying about our mom, and taking care of our home all on our own. But learning to depend on ourselves is a large part of preparing for the future and my sister and I learned that early in life. Gaining an understanding of these lessons was another target I hoped to accomplish before completing high school and I did. Not learning this principle causes people to be less productive a nd to become oblivious to the value of work. Knowledge, self-discipline and an increased amount of self-worth can be received if one learns to become self-reliant. I believe that this generation has the potential to change the world if they learn the importance of perseverance, direction, and self-reliance and how it can impact lives in the future. Possessing these traits and living by these laws will encourage people that they are on their way to remarkable things.
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