Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Interview on understanding and evaluating effectively another's Assignment
Interview on understanding and evaluating effectively another's beliefs - Assignment Example The interview was conducted with the intention to comprehend as well as to evaluate his belief in context to some of the mostly debated philosophical questions often discussed within my circle of friends. I correspondingly determined the philosophical domain for the interview, with regard to evaluating the responses of the interviewee, to be truth/logic. The interview was conducted in a coffee shop because the place would be neutral for me as an interviewer and my friend as an interviewee. I put considerable significance to ensure that the interview was conducted in the morning, as it would be the time when the interviewee was in a fresh state of mind, which would further ensure reliable responses. The discussion of the interview was more in casual way than formal. This further ensured that the interviewee does not hesitate while responding to the questions asked and could respond freely. Moreover, it would also be vital to mention that the interview was conducted following both verb al and non-verbal communication. This ensured that both the interviewer and the interviewee could get a comprehensive understanding about each other’s questions and responses. Correspondingly, the questions I asked and the responses I could obtain from the interviewee have been provided hereunder. Q.1. Interviewer- What life means to you? Interviewee- For me, the meaning of life is what one gives to him/her own-self. For me, the meaning of life is setting goals for myself and achieving the same, maintaining relationships in a responsible manner and living with principles. Q.2. Interviewer- Is there life after death? Interviewee- Nothing in this world is immortal. Even scientists say that universe once created, will also end at a certain point of time. So, I believe that if our life has been created and if we are mortal, life will end after death. Q.3. Interviewee- If God is present, why do we suffer? Interviewer- I believe, in order to appreciate the good, we need to face the evil or the challenges. So, God ensures certain sufferings for us in order to make us realize about the importance of being good. Q.4. Interviewer- How do you decide between what is right and what is wrong? Interviewee- I believe what is right or wrong to me might not be the same for the others. I believe I decide on right or wrong on the basis of morality rather than logic. (West Minister Collage, 2013; Klempner, 2003) 2.0. Analysis and Evaluation The above responses of the interviewee clearly depict certain aspects of his beliefs regarding some of the commonly argued upon philosophical questions. The first response of the interviewee, with regard to the question of meaning of life, clearly depicts his views related to his perceptions towards leading a prosperous life. He depicted that meaning of life is similar to what one sets for him/her. This particular belief revealed through his response correlates with the ‘science of reasoning’ in truth/logic. The interviewee also portrayed his objectives and goals in life and his inclination to live with principles, as the ultimate meaning of living. This statement clearly depicts his ‘law of thought’ about life. In this regard, he presented that there is no true or false way of leading a life; rather, it is just what one believes to be appropriate for him/her (Cowan and Spiegel, 2009). The response of the interviewee with the regard to the question of life after death, the interviewee was observed to be thinking straight forwardly about the scenario. His response to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
FTA of Main Landing Gear Systems
FTA of Main Landing Gear Systems FTA OF MAIN LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS Main Landing Gear System For any aircraft landing gear is the undercarriage which support the craft when it’s not flying, until it to take off and during landing. Landing gear hold net weight of whole aircraft during taxing without any damage. Fig: A380 main landing gear configuration Components of landing gear The materials used to construct gear components are of great importance and are selected as per their properties The main components of landing gear are: Down-lock and drag brace Retraction actuators, Rotational actuators Trunnion Forward trunnion braces Metering pin extension Rotational Lockpins Aft braces Oleo cylinder Oleo piston Axle beam fold and compensation actuator Brake assembly Tires and wheels Sensing wheel Axle beam assembly Failure of lading gear In this part we discussed about the Ductile and Brittle Failure, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Stress Rapture, Fatigue Cracking Failure Dynamic Failure, Landing gear Spring Failure and Wheel Failure. We analyzed these possible problem and construct suitable fault tree analysis in order to identify failure condition in brief. The objective of constructing the fault tree is to investigate and analyze the possible failures and different components and systems of the landing gear with their consequences and solutions. In the case of mechanical failures: There are 12 types of failures Excessive, deflection , thermal shock, impact creep, relaxation, brittle fracture, ductile fracture, wear, spring, failure, corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and various type of fatigue. On the basis of this problem that can occurs in main landing gear we construct the fault tree to identify the failure condition and met the requirements. Materials for landing gear The materials used for the landing gear are High strength steel Titanium Aluminum Failure mechanism of landing gear Fatigue cracking failure Mostly aircrafts and military experience serious damage and the fatigue. Stress corrosion cracking This SCC is caused by synergy between a corrosive environment and a mechanical tensile stree Dynamic failure When aircraft land on the ground tricycle landing gear and load affected by the ground/pavement response are distributed on the and can cause problem. Landing gear spring failure Here micro cracks acted as stress concentration as well initiation crack site leading the spring to fracture due to fatigue Wheel failure During landing wheel experienced a lot of pressure. Due to this over pressure that could damage 4.2 The fault tree of typical main landing gear system: The main purpose of constructing fault tree is, in order to identify the possible failure of any system which can occurs in any manner. In case of main landing gear, fault tree can be construct on the basis of two main conditions: Fault tree analysis for failure condition 511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication. Fault tree analysis for failure condition 511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock. Between these two failure conditions of main landing gear, I choose to analyzed fault tree analysis for failure comdititon511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication. The analysis based on fault tree My main object of constructing this fault tree is to identify the typical failure condition of main landing gear in order to save aircraft from it’s hazardous failure As we need to take safety procedure for every parts of aircraft, landing gear is also aspect which cause aircraft in a dangerous mode So in order to overcome this failure of landing gear and for the safety of aircraft, I finally decide and came to know the purpose of failing landing gear and what can be the cause for this. With the help of fault tree analysis, we analyzed the each and every problem inside the landing gear and try to overcome by constructing fault tree In case of LH or RH or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication, pilot receive alert. So while construction fault tree we take as a main event by using event symbol as shown in fault tree. After we decided main event than we analyzed for the cause of it by using the Boolean symbol called AND gate. We use AND gate so that we could analyze all next true lower level condition which can possibly occur. Possible cause of man landing gear are false LG down position indication and LH or RH MLG fail to extend and down lock. Still there are some cause to fail these two components, which we will define by Boolean logic symbol call OR gate. The purpose of OR gate is to identify among of various possible problem if any of one or more of the next lower level event are true for failure of above condition. In fault tree analysis we solved the problem and come to the conclusion with what if, and with the help of various Boolean logic symbols. The main event that I mention in the top is not only the problem that cause landing gear to fail but also the lower level parameters which fails landing gear fails. When we look from external and if landing gear is not extend during landing than we conclude that the landing gear doesn’t work. But besides engineer who work in the field of safety assessment, other observer will just guess just the landing gear fail. We never thought of what cause the landing gear fails. As per landing gear consists various components so the probability of failure also high. If small components for example spring fails, than the landing gear in order to overcome these all possible failure fault tree is constructed. Among of various symbols and representation, AND and OR gate plays vital role to make all possible decision for failure. Determination of minimal cut set for fault tree analysis Minimal cut set is define as a combination of primary events sufficient for the top event, on other words intersection of primary event. The main objective of representing a fault tree in terms of various Boolean equations is that these equations can then be used to determine the fault tree’s minimal cut sets and minimal path sets. While we obtain the minimal cut set, the quantification of the fault tree is more or less straightforward. For every fault tree will consists of finite number of minimal cut sets that are unique for that event. There are two kind of minimal cut sets which can occurs the top event to occur. One components minimal cut sets, if there are any, represent those single failures that will cause the top event to occur. Whereas two-components minimal cut sets represents the double failures that together will cause the top event to occur. Similarly for an n- components minimal cut set, all n components in the cut set must fail in order for the top event to occur. The calculation of minimal cut-sets The minimal cut sets expression for the top event can be written as in the general form T = M1 + M2 +†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦+Mk, Here the terms T is the top event and Mi are the minimal cut sets. Whereas for the each minimal cut sets for n-components minimal cut set can be represents as Mi = X1X2.,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Xn Here the X1 and X2 , etc represents the basic components failure in the fault tree analysis I represents my above failure events as ABC, T is top event caused by all lower level events. Here I want to mention the example of top event expression is T = A + B.C Here A, B and C are components failures. In this example [A] represents the one-components minimal cut set whereas [B.C] represents the tow-components minimal cut set. In order to determine the minimal cut sets of a fault tree, the tree should be translated first to its equivalent Boolean equations. Here I want to mention the example of calculation the minimal cut set to my fault tree The procedure to calculate the minimal cut sets of fault tree T = E1.E2 being AND gate E1 = A+ E3 being OR gate E3 = B+C being OR gate E2 = C+E4 being OR gate E4 = A.B being OR gate Substituting the top down first the expression of minimal cut can be expressed as below T = (A+E3) . (C+E4) = (A.C) + (E4.C) + (E4.A) + (E3.E4) Substituting for E3, T = (A.C) + (B+C).C + E4.A + (B+C). E4 = A.C + B+C + C.C + E4.A + E4.B + E4.C Here according to idempotent law, C.C = C, substituting this value to above equations T = A.C + B.C + C + E4.A + E4.B + E4.C. Again according to the law of absorption twice, A.C + B.C + C + E4.C = C Then the above results become, T = C + E4.A + E4.B Hence, substituting for E4, applying the law of absorption twice, T = C + (A.B).A + (A.B).B = C + A.B The minimal cut sets are thus C and A.B where, [C] is one- components and [A.B] is two-components minimal cut sets.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
What makes you an adult? Many people believe that age determined adulthood but they are wrong because age is a number and everyone grows up in different rates. You can’t always expect everyone to become mature at the same age, because everyone is different. Many teens become adults faster for certain reason and some of them were not give the option they just had to too. Becoming an adult is not an option for everyone but sooner or later you have to grow up because you can’t stay a kid forever. Being 18 years old makes you legally an adult in united states, but in reality we know that 18 years old are very different from maturity as well responsibilities and life experience. Age do not determined the actual matureness of a person neither the circumstance to handle situations. Adulthood is not based on age; it’s based on emotional maturity. The ability to listen to and evaluate the viewpoint on circumstance they find themselves on and been able to analyze how to find the solution to the problem that makes them mature. Age is just a number; therefore you could be twenty-six, twenty-eight and still act immature. Many teens think that as soon they 18 their parents are going to continue to help them but the true is that they already did their part raising them up. One part of growing up and becoming an adult is that parents are not always going to be there so you got to grow up on your own. Sooner or later he or she are going to face obstacles on their own and that would make them stronger which will help them mature. There are several attributes to make an adult an adult and number one is responsibilities because that ones part that help you grow up in life. Part of being an adult is important to maintain pa... ... not a bad thing because you get to make your own decisions without someone telling you what to do. I know that been a kid life is simple you go to school come back home and do homework and that all you worried about but you never get to explore and have more adventures like adults. A part of being an adult is that you make mistakes but you always learn from the mistakes and that prevent you from doing the same mistakes all over again. What I am trying to say is good to be a kid but you have to grow up to become an adult because that’s how you decide what kind of life style you want instead of your parent making it for you. I know some were not given a chance to enjoy childhood but what you got is more importance meaning that you who didn’t enjoy you childhood you had a head start to become a adult and maybe do better than other who didn’t went trough your situation
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dream Analysis Essay
Dreams are often derived from the inner thresholds of an individual’s thoughts and repressed emotions. My dreams have been significantly complex, converging into metamorphic symbols that relate to significant past and present events. After a week of dream analysis, I believe dreams have an effect on both my conscious and unconscious thoughts. Analyzing these dreams has begun to reveal the inner meanings behind my thoughts, and lead to prosperous revelations. To correlate the meaning and reasoning of the concept of dreams, I have analyzed my most significant dream from the points of view of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and the activation synthesis methods. Upon the conclusion of my research, the theories of both Freud and Jung contain the most valid perspective as to the true meaning of my dream. Sigmund Freud was a brilliant Psychoanalyst, who opened new doors pertaining to how mental illnesses were treated. In the novel The World of Ideas by Lee Jacobus, he explains that Freud, in the minds of many, is recognized as the founder of modern Psychiatry (Jacobus 475). Freud developed the psychoanalytic method: which is the examination of the mind using dream analysis, Lee further explains that â€Å"the analysis of the unconscious through free association, and the correlation of findings with attitudes toward sexuality and sexual development†(Jacobus 75). Meaning, dreams can reveal more than what typically meets the eye. Jacobus explains that In Freud’s â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams†he states, â€Å"the unconscious works in complex ways to help us cope with feelings and desires that our superego deems unacceptable†(Jacobs 475). Sigmund explains his methods by comparing it to two great plays that he felt expressed individuals having repressed emotions. Freud states â€Å"one merely carries on during the night and in dreams with what one has been turning over in ones mind during the day†(Freud 483). Meaning, if one has guilt or an undeniable pleasure that one can’t express, dreams will covey the ones incapable emotions. Jacobus further explains that Freud is conveying, â€Å"that dreams are wish-fulfillments†(Jacobus 477). For example in Freud’s prospective; he suggests that if one is to worry about a parent, it might really convey the unconscious wish that the parent should die. Freud’s main method in interpreting dreams was mainly focused on repressed emotions and the undeniable feelings towards sexuality and sexual feelings. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud are very similar to the reference of batman and robin. Freud is being the character of batman, and Robin being Jung. Carl worked along side with Freud collaborating the mind through the interpretation of dreams. Just like any duo, Jung wanted to explore beyond what his leader justified as acceptable. Jung decided the unconscious content of one’s mind is based on just a theory, insisting that images in dreams are not only related to personal experiences, but are also inherited, exploring the unconscious component of the mind. It doesn’t only persist to just the personal unconscious, but also pertaining to the collective unconscious. In Jung’s The Personal and the Collective Unconscious, Carl interprets and re examines Freud’s speculations of the unconscious and explores different theories that explain the analysis of the mind. Jung agrees with many of Freud’s theories, but he branches out from his theories creating a diverse intellectual reasoning in which he connects it to different archetypes, further explaining dreams in terms of a â€Å"collective and personal unconscious†. Jung believed that archetypes described people’s behaviors and personalities. According to the Webster Dictionary Archetypes are visual symbols that exist in our mind, â€Å"some are clearly understood but others bring subliminal messages that are there to help you trigger your memory of why you are here and the truth behind the illusions of reality†. Jacobus further elaborates that Jung connects the archetypes to the analysis that explains the dream in terms of collective unconsciousness, which is shared by groups of people rather than created by the individual alone (Jacobus pg 489). Though Jung’s theories we deemed unacceptable in Freud’s eyes, his theories investigating the inner unconscious and conscious thoughts pertaining to inherited thoughts and symbolic archetypes, which revealed new ways of unraveling the inner workings of the complexity of the mind. My hands were shaking, lips quivering and my heart exploding. Everything seemed calm but my feelings enticed that something is terribly wrong. When the panic took hold, my heart rate picked up it’s pace. I could see my heart beating out of my chest so I wanted to believe that my eyes were deceiving me. Running on instinct I had no idea where I was going. All of a sudden right before my eyes a huge swirling hole of vast darkness appears. My body feels as if it is going limp, my breath is taking right out of my lungs, then suddenly I hear a scream. It was a horrifying scream, to make matters worse I see someone in the black hole. Nothing can me made out clearly, everything is so blurry. As my emotions run wild through my body, there is a known connection. It’s as if I can feel their pain and am thriving off of their emotions. I think to myself that I must save this person. I run to the black hole, but there is an invisible force that is preventing me from reaching them. The entirety of my soul goes numb as I coldly fall to the earth. Desperately gasping for air and an answer this person begins to disappear. I can feel everything that they are feeling. The feeling of being lost, the confusion of being hopeless and the madness that comes with anger. No matter how much effort was given, no matter how much I cared. There was nothing that could have been done. As my eyes opened, it was all a dream. Freud believed according to Jacobus that â€Å" The repression of important emotions, a constant process, often results in dreams that express repressed feelings in harmless and sometimes symbolic ways†(Jacobus 477). In Freud’s opinion he would probably insist that the person falling into the hole that I was desperately trying to help, is a symbolic emotion of having repressed guilty feelings. Insisting that I have a guilty conscious about something I have done or something or someone I have lost. Freud would also suggest that I have repressed sexual feelings for someone very close to me; even interpreting that the black hole is a symbol for guilty conscious or symbolizing my feelings of hopelessness, that I will never be able to have an intimate personal relationship with that mystery person. Lastly I feel that Freud could also interpret this dream as fulfilling a wish. Freud states â€Å"This worry can only make its way into the dream by availing itself of the corresponding wish; while the wish can disguise itself behind the worry that has become active during the day†(Freud 483). Meaning, maybe I wish that I could save that invisible person, or maybe I have repressed feelings because I never got to be openly honest with how I feel or how I want to feel with this individual. This dream correlates to many aspects that both Jung and Freud express in their studies. In Jung’s analysts he considers not only personal experiences as a factor to analyzing dreams, but information that we unconsciously know. In the hand out Traditional Archetypes it states â€Å"Carl Jung introduced a theory that humans have a collective unconscious, which means that there is a store of information that we as humans somehow hold. This collection of information includes archetypes or symbolic figures†. Interpreting my dream from Jung’s point of view, he would insist that this dream is unraveling a message, a bigger broader picture then someone just falling into a black hole. I feel that Jung would speculate that the person in the black hole could relate to the archetype of â€Å"The fatal women or temptress†. Prevailing, that this person in the black hole is holding me back, that this mystery person does not want to be saved, causing me to look like the weaker individual. Intentionally causing me pain and a guilty conscious. There are many archetypes that could be identified as the main character, the dreamer if you will. Jung could also interpret that I was the archetype of â€Å"the child†or â€Å"the victim†due to the feelings of helplessness and feelings of an emotional tragedy. The activation- synthesis methods would describe in my opinion the dreams of a younger child, or a person who may not be well connected with their dreams. In these methods, neutral brain activity triggers random visual memories that may or may not have relevance to one’s current situations. We can however get information about the dreamer from these methods due to the types of memories that are recalled. The reason I do not believe these methods are relevant to my dream is because this dream was very passionate. Although other dreams that I recorded did seem relevant to this theory, I believe that I chose this dream because it actually had some correlation to what is going on in my life. If I decided to analyze a more random simple dream that I had last week it could have been defined through the activation-synthesis method. The thread of dreams can be not only unraveled, but the thoughts and repressed emotions can be in disarray and difficult to properly express. Interpreting my dreams from the points of view of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and the activation- synthesis methods not only helped me reveal the inner emotions that have been hidden behind the wall of sorrow. It has given a sort of gratitude that made me look at dreams in a whole new optimistic attitude. I have concluded that Freud and Jung’s theories have given a relevant perception as to what my dream mean, and what it revealed about my inner feelings.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
On Becoming a Writer Essay
In â€Å"On Becoming a Writer,†the author, Russell Baker, expressed his interest in writing as a way of thinking about himself and forming an identity. â€Å"The only thing that truly interested me was writing, â€Å"he states. â€Å"It was the only thing for which I seemed to have the smallest talent†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Even though he used to dislike English classes in high school, in his third year, the chance of being a writer knocked on his door. When Mr. Fleagle, the English professor, with an out of date look and behavior, took over the class, he brought on an opportunity to Russell to realize his talent and stay with open eyes for the future. Mr. Fleagle introduced to the class an assignment, an informal essay. The choice of topics was â€Å"The Art of Eating Spaghetti. †â€Å"This title produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images. †Russell says. â€Å"Suddenly I wanted to write about that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The author wanted to write this essay not for Mr. Fleagle, but for himself, for his own satisfaction, as a way to recapture and hold forever this dear memory. Even though he realized the possibility of getting a failing grade, he took the chance and submitted his assignment to Mr. Fleagle. â€Å"Two days passed before Mr. Fleagle returned the graded papers, and he returned everyone’s but mine. †The author’s suspense didn’t last long as Mr. Fleagle kept his essay last, and started reading it to the class. â€Å"My words! He was reading my words out loud to the entire class. †At that minute, Rusell Baker experienced his happiest moment of all school years, which gave him the confidence and opportunity to simply become a writer. â€Å"†¦Mr. Fleagle had opened a door for me. †â€Å"On Becoming a Writer†is an essay for the students, who are interested in writing but are afraid to face their desire, because of doubt or not taking writing as a real job. It is an essay for the teachers, showing them how much of an impact they have on a student’s future. It is vital for the teachers to remember that everything they do or say can influence their students at this stage of their life. â€Å"On Becoming a Writer†is also an essay for everybody interested in the subject and can decide to become a writer. The author is telling us his story as a friend. His purpose is to make us realize that things are possible and happen if we really believe in our qualities and ourselves. Dreams come true every day, and we, the dreamers, have to work hard for those dreams, to wake up and asleep with them and be very persistent to make them happen. As Paulo Coelho states in his book, â€Å"When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. †Therefore, essays as â€Å"On Becoming a Writer†and many other are meant to give their readers the confidence and the support they need to follow their dreams. In most of the time it, doesn’t happen immediately or short period of time; in most of the time it may take years before any dream becomes reality. Therefore, having someone like Mr. Fleagle in your life, give you hope and motivation to keep dreaming.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Rational thinking essays
Rational thinking essays The Change in Rational Thinking Before 1750 The idea of rational thinking has been debated ever since the beginning of human existence. As humans we base what we think on what we know, during the 1600's if a person was black than they must have been inferior. This thinking seemed "rational" to the people of this period because they didn't know any better. The concept of rationality throughout time has always been a matter of perspective. If you are taught from birth that black people are inferior and grow-up with this idea in your head than you have no other basis for how you perceive someone with a skin color other than yourself. If we think about it, before 1650 belief was all that was needed when there was an argument about religion. People listened to what the Pope had to say because he was thought to be an extenuation of God, and whatever he preached was obviously true. Today we look at that behavior and laugh, if even half of the rationalism that was applied 350 years ago was applied today in some religions, no one would enter into them. It is good to know that through research by men like Aristotle, who determined that the earth is round, someone like Copernicus can learn that the earth is not only orbiting like the stars but it is orbiting the biggest planet the sun. But this knowledge came with a price; the Pope who was believed infallible did not approve of any of these radical nee findings, everything that these men were saying went right against the beliefs of the Catholic Church. A couple of hundred years earlier this new thinking would have had a lot harder time getting off the ground because there was no fast, economical way to spread the information. That was until the invention of the printing press, now the Pope had to deal with the problem that these ideas could be printed and distributed in a fast manner. With society now having the ability to gain access to new information, people began to q ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Divorce Scholarship Essay †Young Writers Contest
Divorce Scholarship Essay – Young Writers Contest Free Online Research Papers Divorce Scholarship Essay Young Writers Contest It was a Friday like any other Friday, but when my parents said they wanted to have a talk, I knew there was going to be something different about this Friday. When my parents say they want to have a â€Å"talk†both my brother and I know it is never a good sign. A â€Å"talk†is usually an indication of some major catastrophe like a move, layoff, or family member dying. Immediately I had a sinking feeling that ran all the way to my feet, making them feel like bricks. As I walked toward the living room where all our family talks took place, I racked my brain to figure out what it was that my parents had to tell my brother and I. Finally, it hit me. I stole a glance in my brother’s direction, and from the look on his face we were thinking the same thing. We slumped onto the couch, not sure if we were ready for what was ahead. It was my mom who spoke first. â€Å"We want to tell you both first of all that we love you and that nothing in the whole world could ever change that.†That was all she had to say because I knew what this was all about. â€Å"Your father and I aren’t getting along very well and we’ve tried everything,†she stated. Then hesitantly continued, â€Å" We are getting a divorce†. Those words were like a slap in the face. It took me a second for those words to sink in, but once they did, from that point on everything else went in one ear and out the other. I was in shock. My dad added that he and my mom were both there for us if and when we needed to talk, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was go into my room and cry. I looked in my brother’s direction as we walked out of the room. We both were hurt deeply but had tried not to show it in front of our parents, so it was only when we were out of sight that the tears soaked our faces. When we reached my room, he stopped and hugged me. The warmth that came from that hug that I to this day can’t describe. It brought both calming and soothing that told me that everything was going to be all right. That hug exactly what I needed and it was the best hug that I’ve ever had in my whole life. There is no doubt in my mind, on that day god was there hugging me as well. Today, god is still hugging and carrying me through this rough time. The divorce was a terrible thing by anyone’s standards, but yet I know I have hope. I God has helped me look at this experience not for what I’ve lost, but rather for what I’ve gained and learned. Before that day I’d never really cherished my relationships with each member of my family. I never thought about how much I enjoyed the car rides to school with my dad listening to the music that we both love. I never realized how much my brother and I got along and how much fun we could have together. I also learned and could see the difference between the way a person deals with a catastrophe when they have Christ in their life as opposed the way a person would deal without him. I learned that no matter how old you are, things can still be rough and unbearable. It is in those times that you need a hug and someone to stand by you. Now, I have a better relationship with my brother than I ever have before all because we’ve been through the same tough times. We are friends rather than just siblings. Also, from this experience, I learned that it was god who was holding me. I honestly believe I would not be able to talk or deal with the divorce if it wasn’t for the awesome creator who was with me through everything. He is the one who held my hand through the â€Å"talk†. He is the one who walked next to me when I helped my dad move his things into his new apartment. He is the one who gave me the strength not to just break down and give up. He also put people in my life to help me through. My dad now has his own apartment close by. I chose not to have to spend every other weekend at my dads but rather to plan activities and times to see him that are not regulated by any court or judge. I wanted this so I would not feel like I was forced reluctantly to see my father. However, now it is my part to plan to do things with him, and through this our relationship, which I had never had, has flourished. I actually enjoy going to see my dad and doing things with him. I learned to cherish life. Life can be cruel, brutal, and can change with a blink of an eye. However, if you believe in yourself and trust in god, whatever life throws in your direction is possible. Also, life is about more than just activities and school, it is about relationships and family as well. Someone once said that you don’t get to choose family. This is true but you do get to choose how you handle your relationships with your family. When all your friends are gone, family is all that you have left. Research Papers on Divorce Scholarship Essay - Young Writers ContestThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Hockey GameNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceHip-Hop is ArtComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Spring and Autumn
Sunday, October 20, 2019
What Makes Grammar a Timeless Subject to Study and Teach
What Makes Grammar a Timeless Subject to Study and Teach Grammar has long been a subject of study- as a companion to rhetoric in ancient Greece and Rome and as one of the seven liberal arts in medieval education. Although the methods of studying grammar have changed dramatically in recent times, the reasons for studying grammar have remained essentially the same. One of the most sensible answers to the question of why grammar matters appears in a position statement on the teaching of grammar in American schools. Published by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), the report is refreshingly free of educational cant. Heres how it begins: Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about language. Grammar names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only in English but in any language. As human beings, we can put sentences together even as children- we can all do grammar. But to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types of words and word groups that make up sentences- that is knowing about grammar. And knowing about grammar offers a window into the human mind and into our amazingly complex mental capacity. People associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing about grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and interesting and precise. Grammar can be part of literature discussions when we and our students closely read the sentences in poetry and stories. And knowing about grammar means finding out that all languages and all dialects follow grammatical patterns. (Haussamen, Brock, et al. Some Questions and Answers About Grammar, 2002.) Note: The full report, Some Questions and Answers About Grammar, can be found on the website for the National Council of Teachers of English. Its well worth the read for anyone interested in English grammar. Additional Perspectives on Grammar Consider these explanations from other experts in English and education on why grammar matters: On the utility and importance of the study of Grammar, and the principles of composition, much might be advanced, for the encouragement of persons in early life to apply themselves to this branch of learning... It may indeed be justly asserted, that many of the differences in opinion amongst men, with the disputes, contentions, and alienations of heart, which have too often proceeded from such differences, have been occasioned by a want of proper skill in the connexion and meaning of words, and by a tenacious misapplication of language. (Murray, Lindley. English Grammar: Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners, Collins and Perkins, 1818.) We study grammar because a knowledge of sentence structure is an aid in the interpretation of literature; because continual dealing with sentences influences the student to form better sentences in his own composition; and because grammar is the best subject in our course of study for the development of reasoning power. (Webster, William Frank. The Teaching of English Grammar, Houghton, 1905.) The study of language is a part of general knowledge. We study the complex working of the human body to understand ourselves; the same reason should attract us to studying the marvelous complexity of human language... If you understand the nature of language, you will realize the ground for your linguistic prejudices and perhaps moderate them; you will also more clearly assess linguistic issues of public concern, such as worries about the state of the language or what to do about the teaching of immigrants. Studying the English language has a more obvious practical application: It can help you to use the language more effectively. (Greenbaum, Sidney, and Gerald Nelson. An Introduction to English Grammar, 2nd ed., Longman, 2002.) Grammar is the study of how sentences mean. And that is why it helps. If we want to understand the meaning conveyed by sentences, and to develop our ability to express and respond to this meaning, then the more we know about grammar, the better we will be able to carry out these tasks... Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. And it can help everyone - not only teachers of English but teachers of anything, for all teaching is ultimately a matter of getting to grips with meaning. (Crystal, David. Making Sense of Grammar, Longman, 2004.) [T]he study of your own grammatical system can be quite revealing and useful, and provides you with insights into how language, your own and others, whether spoken or signed, actually works... With an understanding of how language actually works, and a concise vocabulary to talk about it, you will be equipped to make more informed decisions and choices about grammar and usage, and to tease out linguistic fact from linguistic fiction. (Lobeck, Anne and Kristin Denham, Navigating English Grammar: A Guide to Analyzing Real Language, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ionic and Covalent Bonding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ionic and Covalent Bonding - Essay Example Formation of ionic bond takes when an electron is transferred from a non metal to metal making the two atoms have partial positive and negative charge hence they attract one another. Reaction between non-metals and metals results into electrons being transferred from the metal to non-metal and, therefore, the metal and non-metal forms ions. On the other hand, the compound formed is called an ionic compound (Gaskell 2008, p. 17). In the above example, sodium atom loses an electron to the chlorine atom. Therefore, sodium atom, therefore, becomes partially positively charged while the chlorine atom becomes partially negatively charged hence an ionic bond is formed (Gaskell 2008, p. 18). Ionic bonds do not have a definite shape while covalent bonds have definite shapes that can be predicted. In addition, covalent bonds can be broken to the original atoms which made the molecule because the atoms are close to one another so as to share electrons (Engel and Reid 2012, p.43). While, ionic bonds are solid, covalent bonds molecules are gaseous or liquids. Compounds that have covalent bonds have a lower melting point than ionic bonds because they have weak van der waals forces that do not require a high amount of energy. On the other hand, ionic compound has higher melting points because their bonds are stable and hence high amount of energy is required to the bonds (Atkins & Paula 2012, p.54). Ionic bonds also form crystalline atoms and in solution or molten state they conduct electricity and are also polar bonds. Therefore, most of them dissolve in water but are insoluble in solvents that are not polar (Silbey et al. 2004 p.30). Ionic bonds are formed between a metal and non-metal atoms. For the formation of the bond to occur, the atoms must have high difference in electron negativity and it is made when the metal atom loses an electron to the non-metal making it
Friday, October 18, 2019
Law of Tort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law of Tort - Essay Example 1. In the case of PC Black and Mrs. de Vere it is advisable that they can sue Mr Brown for making the allegations that they are involved in an adulterous relationship as well as the publishers of the Priestwich Echo for publishing this particular story. They can sue for defamation given that their reputation has been tarnished as a result of these allegations. Basically, Defamation is a group of torts which seeks to protect a person’s reputation from unwarranted attack and at first glance, these may appear to thereby protect privacy (Sweet & Maxwell, 1998). Defamation is divided into two categories namely slander (oral) and libel (published). Individuals can sue for libel as long as the permanent statement is damaging to their reputation, is false and is communicated to more than one person. It is advisable that they approach Mr Brown so that he can retract his statement if they are very sure that that it is a false allegation. If he refuses to offer an apology and retract tha t statement, they can proceed to file a suit for defamation against him as the allegations have negatively impacted on their reputation. After the publication of this story, the village is awash with this rumour and as a direct consequence of the allegations made by Mr. Brown, Mrs. de Vere was asked by the members of the Women’s Institute to resign from her position as chairwoman of the Institute for bringing the organisation ‘into disrepute.’ It is also advisable that they approach the publishers of the Priestwich Echo to retract the story and offer an apology given that they can prove the story to be wrong. However, it is also advised to Mrs de Vere and PC Black that for libel, the defences available include: justification/truth if the defendant can show that his statement was substantially true, fair comment merely expressing a truly held opinion that is a matter of public interest. Unintentional defamation and this can be retracted and innocent dissemination. The plaintiffs must prove that the statement is defamatory, it has been published and there are special damages for slander. For instance, in the case of (Duncan and Neill para 14.07, Hebditch v MacIlwaine [1894] 2 QB 54 at 58, [1891-4] All ER Rep 444 at 445 per Lord Esher MR and Adam v Ward [1917] AC 309 at 318, [1916-17] All ER Rep 157 at 160 per Lord Finlay LC), the jury held the judgement in favour of the defendants given that the issue published was a matter of public interest. It is therefore important that they can prove to the court that a case of defamation has been committed and it has directly impacted on their reputation otherwise they may lose their money for nothing filing for a losing lawsuit. It is advisable to Stuart Farqhuar, the MP to sue the publishers of the Priestwich Echo for publishing a story that is damaging to his reputation as a public figure and he can also sue Mr. Brown for making the allegations. The reporter, Joe Johnson makes reference to unsubstant iated rumours
LEGOs Expectations from Flextronics and Outcome Essay
LEGOs Expectations from Flextronics and Outcome - Essay Example This essay declares that LEGO wanted to outsource its production to a famous Singaporean electronics manufacturing company Flextronics. So in the year 2006 LEGO finalized the contract with Flextronics for producing the major parts of its toys. The idea was considered brilliant because the prices were locked for an extended period of time, so this would save the company from the risks of product price fluctuations. Flextronics was handed over the production sites of LEGO for production purposes. The phases started from 2004 to 2006, and throughout this phase the company was making efforts to reduce their production capacity to about 20 percent. They were aiming at keeping a target of 80/20 percent for outsourcing their production functions. This paper stresses that LEGO had created a complex framework for outsourcing external providers. This was also a reason why LEGO faced issues while working with Flextronics. LEGO was going through extreme transition, so it can be said that it became problematic for them to delegate authority and control their global network of production. Further, complexity occurred regarding the flawless transmission of production knowledge. LEGO and Flextronics have different organization structure. Though LEGO outsourced Flextronics, but it could not match its complex systems with that of Flextronics. LEGO was a manufacturing company. It manufactured toys for children. ... Flextronics was an electronic hoods manufacturing company, in which plastic plays an important role. This was the reason behind Flextronics’s interest to move for a long-tem relationship with LEGO. LEGO too found Flextronics to be professional and systematic to work with. However, their collaboration did not last long because of several issues that developed during their three years journey. LEGO’s goal was to optimize their global supply chain by outsourcing their production system to Flextronics. Similarly, Flextronics wanted to utilize the expertise of LEGO in plastics. It was found that LEGO was not satisfied with the quality of facilities provided by Flextronics. LEGO had created a complex framework for outsourcing external providers. This was also a reason why LEGO faced issues while working with Flextronics. LEGO was going through extreme transition, so it can be said that it became problematic for them to delegate authority and control their global network of pr oduction. Further, complexity occurred regarding the flawless transmission of production knowledge. LEGO and Flextronics have different organization structure. Though LEGO outsourced Flextronics, but it could not match its complex systems with that of Flextronics. On the other hand the company who was outsourced would be working according to its own process and framework. So problems of disagreement and misalignment were the result of what the outcome was (LEGO, 2006). Key Challenges in Maintaining a Relationship LEGO was a manufacturing company. It manufactured toys for children. The focus of the company was mainly on production and management of the supply chain. Never did the company feel the need of out sourcing or documentation before it was
Contract Remoteness of Damages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Contract Remoteness of Damages - Essay Example Sometimes, breach are treated immaterially when the aggrieved party may not have actually suffered actual damage from the breach or may have and at other times, the other party is compelled to indemnify and perform accordingly to the agreed terms or pay minimal damages resulting to such breach. Other fundamental breach of contract treated as a grave offense against the agreement itself results to the termination of the performance of the contract thereby entitling the party to sue for damages. In anticipation of a probable breach, a party may sue for the termination of the contract and file for damages without the actual breach taking place. Consequently, the laws that provides a remedy for any breach of contract is commonly known by lawyers as the "rule of remoteness" that is determined by the contractual agreement, even when it is not covered in its express terms. Further the law has delegated and simplified the classification under non-pecuniary and pecuniary losses with the former commonly sought as a supportive argument in respect for personal injuries and deaths. Such differences are identified in a contract to measure the nature of breach of duty which the damage meant to undo and award is reflective in the underlying obligation. Sometimes, rather than argue for the actual obligation to take particular effect, the aggrieved party is keener on pressing charges with the pure knowledge of the allocation which the law has recognized. This has concurrently resulted and thereby pushed the limit to the losses for which the other party is actually responsible within at the time of conclusion of the agreement. This will i n fact result to people placing more emphasis in contract making which has been treated on the possible losses arising from its breach than the advantages gained from its performance. Law and jurisprudence dictates that in losses arising from the breach of contract, the remoteness of damages is governed by certain doctrines that treat the losses as fair and reasonable which in Hadley v. Baxendale [1854] is justified as, "according to the usual course of things" (non-pecuniary) and "supposed to be in contemplation of both parties at the time the contract was made" (pecuniary). Non-pecuniary damages are measured by the loss of bargain, wasted expenditures; and total failure of consideration under the Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978. A requirement common to both, of course, is that an injury must have been sustained by the claimant himself nonetheless, differs for while it is pecuniary in actual or compensatory damages, it is, upon the other hand, non-pecuniary in the case of actual damages. The actual loss under judicial discretion is a manifestation yet an assumption to be assessed under no accepted principle but upon which answers may be based. Under the question of significance, whatever reasonably appears to have been significant to the promisor in assuming the risk(Smith, 1997), setting the price and deciding in how much effort to expend in order to perform may be up to the value of an ordinary loss that was contemplated if in fact it did not occur. Guided by the principles of "quantum meruit", express agreements and fixed in a contract shall entitle the aggrieved to claim for what is agreed in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Two stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two stories - Essay Example The boy realized that it is easier and simpler to control temper and anger, than to hammer the nails into the wooden fence. Finally, the boy was capable of completely control his anger and temper. He informed his father concerning the new situation of experiencing no anger. The father ten directed the boy to remove the each nail, for the days he was incapable of managing his anger. The weeks passed, and finally the boy informed his father that all the nails have been removed from the wooden fence. The father led his son by hand and led him to the wooden fence. He instructed his son to observe the holes left in the fence. The holes distorted the surface of the fence. In a similar situation, anger distorts and leaves a noticeable scar. The father informed the son that if he strikes somebody with a knife and immediately removes it; the wound will forever be there, despite numerous apologies to the victim. Acha was a famous and renowned artist and sculptor in the ancient world. His sculptural work closely resembled the real inspirational object. On a certain day, Acha had a unique dream. The dream illustrated that immediately after the fifteenth day; he will be captured and taken by the death demon. To protect himself, Acha produced nine statues of the exact image of himself. During the fifteenth day, Acha heard of the coming of the death demon. He immediately stood between the nine statues. The death demon failed to identify him among the statutes. The demon was surprised to see ten, instead of one Acha, uncapable of making a decision, the death demon decided to report back to his master, the death god. The death god was so annoyed; hence he decided to capture Acha himself. On reaching the venue, he saw the ten Achas; the real Acha stood motionless, expressionless and alert. The ten Achas perplexed and confused the death god. He carefully analyzed the situation and then loudly remaerked that the sculpture will
An implementation of an E - COMMERCE Mathematical tutorial website Essay
An implementation of an E - COMMERCE Mathematical tutorial website - Essay Example The paper tells that technology changes us in the same way as it changes the world. It changes our perception towards others and it influences and plays a critical role in every minute aspect of our lives so much so that one may understand the impact of the famous quote made by Howard Sparks at once. The rapid increase of the use of technology has changed the way one looks at things. Our learning and teaching methods have changed dramatically over the past few decades. Today, the physical barriers of geographical location, race, or age do not bind us from aspiring to learn or achieve anything. The impact has rather been explosive over the last decade with the introduction of new methods as far as teaching is concerned. The main reason for such a significant change has been the enormous use of the Internet & the World Wide Web. The extensive use of the World Wide Web has enabled us to create new teaching methods that have proven to be a major hit over conventional teaching methods. Th is is the new age of the concept of e-learning. One of the significant changes that e-learning has brought about has been that it has moved away from traditional teaching methods, where the learner used to be passive all along the while. The approach used by e-learning is in contrast to this idea and adopts an interactive methodology towards learning by transforming the learning medium and the teaching session into an appealing and an interactive one. Therefore, this is one of the major areas that the present project has had to concentrate on.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Two stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two stories - Essay Example The boy realized that it is easier and simpler to control temper and anger, than to hammer the nails into the wooden fence. Finally, the boy was capable of completely control his anger and temper. He informed his father concerning the new situation of experiencing no anger. The father ten directed the boy to remove the each nail, for the days he was incapable of managing his anger. The weeks passed, and finally the boy informed his father that all the nails have been removed from the wooden fence. The father led his son by hand and led him to the wooden fence. He instructed his son to observe the holes left in the fence. The holes distorted the surface of the fence. In a similar situation, anger distorts and leaves a noticeable scar. The father informed the son that if he strikes somebody with a knife and immediately removes it; the wound will forever be there, despite numerous apologies to the victim. Acha was a famous and renowned artist and sculptor in the ancient world. His sculptural work closely resembled the real inspirational object. On a certain day, Acha had a unique dream. The dream illustrated that immediately after the fifteenth day; he will be captured and taken by the death demon. To protect himself, Acha produced nine statues of the exact image of himself. During the fifteenth day, Acha heard of the coming of the death demon. He immediately stood between the nine statues. The death demon failed to identify him among the statutes. The demon was surprised to see ten, instead of one Acha, uncapable of making a decision, the death demon decided to report back to his master, the death god. The death god was so annoyed; hence he decided to capture Acha himself. On reaching the venue, he saw the ten Achas; the real Acha stood motionless, expressionless and alert. The ten Achas perplexed and confused the death god. He carefully analyzed the situation and then loudly remaerked that the sculpture will
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
DynCorp International Human Resource Concepts and Methods Research Paper
DynCorp International Human Resource Concepts and Methods - Research Paper Example The company applies a number of HR management principles assisting in managing its workforce. It also has unique methods of attraction, selection, training, and rewarding its employees. These processes are carried out to ensure that the leadership and culture are maintained as well as making certain that employment and labor laws are compiled in the management of the employees. Introduction DynCorp International is a private military contractor based in the United States, which originally started as an aviation company. Over the years, the company has diversified to the provision of air operation support, intelligence training, and support, international development, security and maintenance of vehicles (Kinsey, 2006). The company’s largest earnings come from the United States Federal Government and are mostly involved in providing various services to the US military HR planning and alignment DynCorp International has it objectives clearly stated. The company has various depar tments that have various objectives. For instance, the Civilian Police Assistance Training Team provides education and resource to the Iraqi Police Force. The departments align its strategies and programs to the company’s needs and objectives (Jorgensen, 2008). ... However, the HR department considers a number of issues while planning and aligning its strategies and activities. Firstly, it is crucial to determine the type of new skills and experiences that will be needed for any job assignment (Kinsey, 2006). This also necessitates changing procedures relating to the services offered by the company. The planning process by the company also considers the performances required in any type of job. Various jobs require different approaches. Training of security forces in the war-torn countries, such as Iraq, requires plans that consider the high level of threat in that country. The company also engages in the provision of air support operations that require another level of perfo rmance. The various requirements in the performances of different jobs are determined and plans are made on how to achieve them. This includes identifying the type of skills needed and the specific people that will carry out the tasks (Kinsey, 2006). Key Strategic Considerations of Organization Strategy DynCorp Corporation is largely involved in security missions. The company has always been contracted by the US government to offer its services in different areas of the country and outside country assignment as well. All this entails changing the environment of operations which necessitates careful planning to cope with the changes. For an effective offering of the services, the HR department identifies the changes (if any) required in the company’s culture to enable the employees to meet the new requirements (Purpura, 2010). Without proper planning and alignment of these plans to company’s activities, there would be confusion in the performance of the job.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Marketing Promotes Product Awareness To The Public Marketing Essay
Marketing Promotes Product Awareness To The Public Marketing Essay Managers face an endless challenge to create unique strategies that will enable them provide positional advantage in an effort to achieve superior financial or customer performance. A companys pecuniary success largely depends upon prudent marketing efforts along with financial, operational, accounting and other business functions. Piercy (1992) identi ¬Ã‚ es marketing as focusing on strategies concerning the critical decision of market de ¬Ã‚ nition and market segmentation as well as the identi ¬Ã‚ cation of potential bases for differentiation. Sometimes, people ask why marketing is important in the financial success of a company. The answer to this question is, assume you have a product to offer with excellent features, best quality and amazing packaging but no one knows about your product? There will be no demand in the market for your it, the company will make no sale and eventually no profit. Here comes the importance of marketing. The most important function of marketing, along with others, is to create awareness about products/services and make loyal customers. Through marketing customers get an opportunity to know what you are offering them and you get the opportunity to convince them to buy your products/services. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. Without marketing, your business may offer the best products or services in your industry, but none of your potential customers would know about it. Without marketing, sales may crash and companies may have to close. Production and distribution depend largely on marketing. Many people think that sales and marketing are basically the same. These two concepts are different in many aspects. Marketing covers advertising, promotions, public relations, and sales. It is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service into the market and encourages sales from the buying public. Sales refer to the act of buying or the actual transaction of customers purchasing the product or service. Some important reasons why marketing is important include: Getting the Word Out For a business to succeed, the product or service it provides must be known to potential buyers. Unless your business is known in the community and communication with your customers is readily available, you have to use marketing strategies to create product or service awareness. Without marketing, your potential customers may never be aware of your business offerings and your business may not be given the opportunity to progress and succeed. Using marketing to promote your product, service and company provides your business with a chance of being discovered by prospective customers. Higher Sales Once your product, service or company gets on the radar screen of your prospects, it increases your chances that consumers will make a purchase. As awareness becomes a reality, it is also the point where new customers start to spread the word, telling friends and family about this amazing new product they discovered. Your sales will steadily increase as the word spreads. Without employing marketing strategies, these sales may not have ever happened; without sales, a company cannot succeed. Company Reputation The success of a company often rests on a solid reputation. Marketing builds brand name recognition or product recall with a company. When a company reaches the high expectations of the public, its reputation stands on firmer ground. As your reputation grows, the business expands and sales increase. The reputation of your company is built through active participation in community programs, effective communication (externally and internally) and quality products or services, which are created or supported by marketing efforts. Healthy Competition Marketing also fosters an environment in the marketplace for healthy competition. Marketing efforts increases awareness and gets the word out on pricing of products and services, which not only reaches the intended consumers, but also reaches other companies competing for the consumers business. As opposed to companies that have a monopoly on products and services that can charge almost any price, marketing helps keep pricing competitive for a business to try to win over consumers before its competition does. Without competition, well known companies would continue to sell while lesser known companies or new companies would stand little chance of ever becoming successful. Marketing facilitates the healthy competition that allows small businesses and new businesses to be successful, enter and grow in the marketplace. As there is high competition in the market and you are not the only one to offer that product, certain issues need to be considered, issues like; how is this product diff erent from that of competitors? What do I have better to offer than my competitor? And why should a customer buy my product rather than my competitors? All this is achieved through intelligent marketing campaign and is self-evident of the significance of marketing. It enables an organization to capture maximum market share, make a big brand name, make loyal customers and retain them. Marketing Promotes Product Awareness to the Public It has already been mentioned in the previous paragraph that getting the product or service recognized by the market is the primary goal of marketing. No business possibly ever thought of just letting the people find out about the business themselves, unless you have already established a reputation in the industry. But if you are a start-out or an average company, the only means to be made known is to advertise and promote. Your business may be spending quite a lot on advertising and promotional programs but the important thing at the end of the day is that product and company information is disseminated to the buying public, they get interested and purchase it and as a result increasing sales and revenue for the company. Various types of marketing approaches can be utilized by an organization. All forms of marketing promotes product awareness to the market at large. Offline and online marketing make it possible for the people to be educated with the various products and services that they can take advantage of. A company must invest in marketing so as not to miss the opportunity of being discovered by potential consumers. If expense is to be considered, there are cost-effective marketing techniques a company can embark on such as pay-per-click ads and blogging. Marketing Helps Boost Product Sales Apart from public awareness about a companys products and services, marketing helps boost sales and revenue growth. Whatever your business is selling, it will generate sales once the public learns about your product through TV advertisements, radio commercials, newspaper ads, online ads, and other forms of marketing. The more people hear and see more of your product, the more likely it would be for them to want to try it. Its this basic principle that makes firms spend millions on marketing activities. If your company aims to increase the sales percentage and double the production, the marketing department must be able to come up with effective and strategic marketing plans. Marketing Builds Company Reputation In order to conquer the general market, marketers aim to create a brand name recognition or product recall. This is a technique for the consumers to easily associate the brand name with the images, logo, or caption that they hear and see in the advertisements. For example, McDonalds is known for its arch design which attracts people and identifies the image as McDonalds. For some companies, building a reputation to the public may take time but there are those who easily attract the people. With an established name in the industry, a business continues to grow and expand because more and more customers will purchase the products or take advantage of the services from a reputable company. Advertising Marketing plays a very essential role in the success of a company. It educates people on the latest market trends, helps boost a companys sales and profit, and develops company reputation. But marketers must be creative and wise enough to promote their products with the proper marketing tactics. Although marketing is important, if it is not conducted and researched well, the company might just be wasting on expenses and time on a failed marketing approach. Hobb (2012) stated that; for entrepreneurs who aim to bring new and innovative products to market, the acquisition of customer and competitor information is an early activity that could bring about future opportunities. Hence, it could lead to a more effective organization of the founding process and, therefore to a higher probability of success. Therefore, through marketing, a can manager discover new opportunities for business expansion and growth. The successful execution of such new opportunities brought to light through marketing depends essentially on the acquisition of information. Collecting information from customers and/or about potential competitors is necessary to derive practicable contingencies or strategic planning and to revise and adapt marketing plans. Hobb (journal of strategic marketing ) quoting Gruber (2007) further points out the value of marketing planning for new venture development and highlights the role of information sources in developing marketing plans. As a result of information from customers, managers are able to revise previous plans and create a yardstick for new projects. Accurate information is neededto tailor the marketing mix to other potential customers. When information is collected through marketing, managers and executives are more able to fully realize the potential of the corresponding marketing activities. Acquiring customer and competitor information could in ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uence a new business adaptability and subsequently give more room to maneuver and adjust to the particular market environment. One aspect of marketing that is indispensable in any firm and can assist managers with tools on how to better position their brand, out do competitors, improve productivity and increase profits / sales is market orientation. Kohli and Jaworski (1990) defined market orientation as the organization-wide generation of market intelligence, dissemination of the intelligence across departments and organization-wide responsiveness to it Wikipedia explained further by stating that, the marketing concept is a business philosophy, whereas the term market orientation refers to the actual implementation of the marketing concept. They added that a market orientation appears to provide a unifying focus for the efforts and projects of individuals and departments within the organization. Furthermore, Cass, Vada, Ngo and Sharvti (jounal of strategic marketing) said Market orientation has the ability to enhance a  ¬Ã‚ rms success. They further quoted Slater and Narver (1998) saying that at its core, market orientation places signi ¬Ã‚ cant emphasis on the pro ¬Ã‚ table creation and maintenance of superior customer value, and those supporting its impact endorse it as the conduit for staying close to customers as well as for its ability to enhance  ¬Ã‚ rm performance. Market orientation is a culture rather than an individual process. Its the norms, mindsets, values and behaviours of employers; alongside the structure, systems and control of the organization. Marketing oriented businesses define their activities as service activities carried out towards the satisfaction of their customers. In other words they define their operation as a service business with customer service being the most important activity. They are driven by customer needs which are identified in their objectives. For instance, a car company might say well make your car in whatever colour you choose. A marketing orientated approach means a business reacts to what customers want. The decisions taken are based around information about customers needs and wants, rather than what the business thinks is right for the customer. Most successful businesses take a market-orientated approach. Most markets are moving towards a more market-orientated approach because customers have become more knowledgeable and require more variety and better quality. To compete, businesses need to be more sensitive to their customers needs; otherwise they will lose sales to competitors. When to use it? Use market orientations when you want to understand, anticipate and satisfy your customer needs. You may already be operating somewhere in-between orientations. Companies can be anywhere on the spectrum as well as having different products at different orientations. What does it achieve? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A sense of what customers want à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Links customers needs to company capabilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Builds relationships à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creates vision à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Greater internal marketing and communications à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tracking and information systems for further research and evaluation OCass, Ngo, and Siahtiri (2012) designed an empirical study to collect data from manufacturing  ¬Ã‚ rms in Australia to show that market orientation improves productivity and market capability. According to them, Australia has been ranked 20th overall in the worlds most competitive economies according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 (Sala-i-Martin, 2011). In2011 Australia recorded a GDP of US$925 billion and GDP per capita of US$66.984.SMEs contribute signi ¬Ã‚ cantly to economic growth, national development, innovation and employment in Australia (ONAO Audit Report, 2011). There are around 175,000 SMEs inAustralia, which operate in a broad range of industries, including the construction,  ¬Ã‚ nance, insurance, wholesale and retail trade industries, and employ 28% of Australias workforce. In the course the study, 300 responses from 500 Australian  ¬Ã‚ rms, which constituted a 60% response rate in Australia were received. All participants who reported their positions indicated that they held the most senior marketing positions within their respective  ¬Ã‚ rms. In the survey, 85% of the respondents agreed that general information about market participants (customers, competitors and suppliers) is of paramount importance to them. Since market orientation gets this job done, this proves its importance to an organization. Considerations With so many messages bombarding the consumer in the marketplace today, it is now more difficult than ever to get your product noticed, so marketers have learned to be creative. Knowing what your clients expectations are, exceeding them, and building a reputation based on that is the key to success. Pay attention to your customers, and they will come back time and time again. Ignore them, and they will disappear faster than you can spend your marketing budget to try to bring them back. There is the belief that the marketing staff is a burden on the company and they do not justify the money spent on them. However, the fact is that sincere marketing efforts never goes to waste. When you invest in good marketing related activities, you are sure to reap benefits. Well run marketing campaigns can help you earn good profits. Some people have misconceptions about the term marketing, they feel that it is an easy task and anyone can do it. They couldnt be more wrong. As a manager, you have to get rid of this view point and employ professional marketers who will device your marketing strategy and help you execute it as well. Although marketing is really important for the success of a business, the reality is that it can also be very expensive. A marketing budget can reach as much as 30 percent (sometimes more) of the annual sales. As a result of the huge expenditure marketing/marketing programs incur, it is paramount that it is done right. The tools and campaigns used to improve the success of a brand or re-position it must be researched into deeply, tried and tested to ensure that they would get the job done. A marketing program that gives a company the best chance in a market environment that is as competitive as it is today is a healthy mix of different forms of marketing, such as website development, public relations, print and broadcast advertising, design and printing for all print materials, trade shows and other special events. PART 2: THE PERSUASIVE PAPER Brief: The manager of Pico fruit juice (hypothetical name) company has decided to rebrand the drink (Pico juice) by changing the packaging because he feels the old packaging is not flashy or attractive enough. He believes it is a little bland. However, the product seems to be doing very well in the market and has achieved a lot of recognition. I think re-packaging the brand might spell disaster and it is therefore my job as a marketing consultant to warn him against it. Muzellec and Lambkin (2006) defined rebranding as a change in an organizations self-identity and/or an attempt to change perceptions of the image among external stakeholders. Rebrand is a company image revision and it can assist a company in updating its message, appealing to new audiences or even signaling a complete change in direction. The reasons behind identity change are usually bad press, new target market, new product, merger, or aspiration to gain a competitive edge. However, these reasons do not apply to Pico fruit juice, When considering rebranding, we should ask ourselves the crucial question- why? If we are not changing what the company stands for, if our customers like what we stand for now, and if they associate our current packaging with what the company stands for, then why should we rebrand? Why waste the time, money and the priceless brand equity we have tried to build up? We would be much better served creating some really effective marketing campaigns to increase the strength of our brand and increase its consumer base. According to consumer surveys done, our customers already like our product the way it is, therefore rebranding can change their preconceived perception of the product thereby making them lose interest. Rebranding could cause confusion among current customers, potential customers and other key players in the industry. This could lead to a loss in client base. They (consumers) could also see it as being inconsistent and an inconsistent brand is an untrustworthy brand. Our packaging, colours, company name, and everything else that represents us should not be changed without an extremely good reason. Product rebrands are perceived to be a good way of invigorating a brand, but they sometimes end in failure. According to Datamonitor (2009), in the past three decades, there have been many examples of brands attempting to rebrand themselves, either through a new logo, labeling/packaging, formulation or other means of re-identification. While some have been successful and others less so, the companies behind these brands all have one aim: to re-ignite a passion in consumers for a brand which has lost some of its magic. Examples of companies/brands that tried to rebrand include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A recent rebranding effort that caused controversy was Krafts Australian savory spread brand Vegemite, which undertook a brand extension in 2009. The original name of the extension, Vegemite iSnack 2.0, was designed to appeal to younger consumers but caused widespread derision, so much so that it was almost immediately withdrawn and renamed Cheesybite instead. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tropicana packaging was completely overhauled in 2009 and the picture of an orange with a straw in it, which had featured on its label for decades, was removed and replaced with a picture of a glass of orange. After consumers derided the new packaging for looking too generic, the old style was brought back. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cadbury introduced Dairy Milk as a megabrand across many of its chocolate bars in 2003 as a way of implementing unity and brand strength. However, it has gradually lost its potency over the past two years. In 2007, Cadbury reintroduced the Wispa brand to market after it had been dropped in 2003 in favor of Dairy Milk Bubbly, while the packaging of Cadburys Dairy Milk Caramel, known as Cadbury Caramel before 2003, has changed so that it resembles more its old style of imagery. The decision to rebrand is very serious and it is much more than just a change of package or name. Although rebranding sometimes seems as a reasonable step it should not be taken without due consideration. Changing a product name or package is seemed sometimes as an easy task, but to make it work to the business advantage is a difficult one. A decision to rebrand a product is wrong if done just for the sake of doing it or because competitors did so. Rebranding should always have a clear purpose and should not be taken lightly, as it is a massive overhaul of brand images and identity. No rebrand is possible without adequate research, repositioning the image without studying consumer demographics and psychographics is dangerous and I dont believe all these have been done yet, therefore, there is no reason to rush into a decision to change the package of Pico fruit drink. It should be noted that change for the sake of change is risky, especially if the results of the transformation are uncertain as in this case. Therefore we should be trying to consider long-term strategies and aims, and then updating brand identity to fit the changing goals if and if only it is absolutely necessary. A change of identity which includes package should always be considered and well-planned. And it is also important to think about the end result of the change, including negative elements. Rapid and extensive changes are harmful in most of circumstances. Therefore the most effective and safe strategy is to evolve slowly by updating the current image to modernize an existing, well-trusted brand, in order to keep the established customer base A change in name will not turn a company around, neither will it revitalize a dying product and as much as a rebranding can seem exciting at the time, there is a real risk that it is a waste of money and time. A brand is the sum total of an organizations reputation. When building your brand, the look of the product (package) does matter. It is most times what captivates a costumer and makes him or her reach for your product on the shelf. Once they become used to the look of a particular product or brand, changing it can confuse or even make them lose interest thereby spelling disaster for the product. However, you should rebrand if: Your target customer has changed. Your product has changed. Your competition has changed. Or if you cannot answer these questions: Do people no longer understand what you can offer Do people understand what makes you different? What is your client engagement? Do they spread your message and continue coming back for more? Do people trust what you say, your products and your services? Is there constant decrease in sales Can your employees/clients articulate what your brand stands for Are you are embarrassed to give away your business card either due to unattractiveness or to the fact that its rather plain compared to that of competitors? Are all your communications are not consistent and in sync with the brand message and brand voice? If we have doubts about the answers to the above questions, then we would need to rebrand urgently. However, these cases do not apply to Pico fruit drink, so I see no reason for us to spend so much time and money doing something that may very well backfire in the long run. A reason we do not need to rebrand Pico fruit drink is because it has all the qualities of a good brand which according to Uche (2012) Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (OMAN Chapter) Vol. 2, No.3; Oct. 2012 are: 1. Confirms Credibility: A good brand is a signature of credibility, a symbol of trust, an image of consistency. It must therefore always espouse and exhibit a credible personality, which strengthens and compensates its clienteles/consumers for their sustained loyalty (brand equity). So far, consumers seem to like Pico fruit drink. They seem to like its personality, its quality and what it stands for which is trust and responsibility. Responsibility to the environment by producing safe recyclable packages, responsibility to our customers by producing delicious, healthy and hygienic fruit drink and responsibility to the brand by ensuring it never falls below standard. 2. Attracts Potential opportunities: Any brand that lacks a sustained ability to attract and exploit potential opportunities is not a good one. Not just opportunities in terms of brand extension, but opportunities in terms of innovative marketing strategies and advertising mix like exploiting the social media to create buzz which Pico has done in the past and is still doing to attract attention, organizing promotional offers, giving discounts and so on. The existing clientele base of a brand must not only be maintained, but also expanded, through the exploitation of whatever opportunities are present in the market, especially in a competitive environment, where the life and continued existence of the entity or product, is dependent on its ability to maintain and expand its clientele base. 3. Delivers clear and precise information: The message delivered by a brand must at all times be concise, consistent, and clear, and must not be packaged in such a way that it confuses consumers. Pico as a brand has tried to avoid ambiguity in all its messages and promotion materials in order not to cause confusion among customers thereby damaging the brand. Since a brand is a statement or commitment to quality, improved value and service delivery, advertisements, jingles, and other interfaces with which a product or entity connects with clients and prospective clients should be consistent, concise, and must be coherent with the actual performance of the brand, if the brand is to be defined as good. Otherwise, the brands identity, franchise, awareness, equity, image, and recognition will be adversely affected. In this view also, there should be strong brand differentiation, to enable customers correctly identify their choice of brand, and this means that the logo, image, mark, and ot her items affiliated with a brand should be distinct, to dissuade confusions that sometimes arise from inability of customers to distinguish one brands image or logo (identity) from another. Failure in this regard can lead to a brands untimely demise. 4. Ability of the Brand to Procure, Protract, and Preserve a Relationships and a Titanic Clientele base: Following a pragmatic viewpoint, a good brand should be able to foster a cordial, mutual, and self-sustaining relationship with its clienteles, which is continually expanding. For a brand to be classified as being good it must exhibit an inherent aptitude and propensity to secure and conserve existing relationships, while striving to build new ones, through its commitment to connect and establish workable and healthy relationships with old clients from whom fresh and prospective clients are fetched, to swell the clientele base of the brand. EXCELLENT BRAND MANAGEMENT PRCATICES EVERY BRAND SHOULD FOLLOW Building a brand that enjoys patronage and respect requires the establishment of a scheme, which ensures longevity of the brand in the market. Simple guidelines like the ones below which are in no way exhaustive, should be initiated: 1. We should always make sure that at no point in the lifespan of a product/brand should we introduce ideas and market strategies that alter the name, logo, symbol, or other aspects of a brand that makes it unique and different from other brands in the same product category, unless there is an extremely good reason for doing this. The name, package or distinct logo of a brand is a symbol that is universal and understandable by consumers, who not only attach sentiments to the package or logo, but are quick to employ it as a reference point of satisfaction and quality. While positive changes in other aspects of a brand are recommended, even during mergers, utmost care must be taken to preserve the distinctive identity of a brand, as this is the brain behind successful brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Mobil, which have introduced various products, but still employ or affiliate their names to such products, to retain its clienteles. 2. In successfully managing a brand, a manager should always strive to generate and establish an indelible and positive impression of the brand in the mind of its consumers, especially where the market is characterized by competition. The brand equity of a product must be on the positive side, and this is attainable only when positive and indelible images of a brand is created in the mind of its patrons or customers; this is an undeniable formula for success in a competitive market, where consumers taste and choice varies. 3. Fulfilling the brand promise or contract is one practice that should never be neglected by a brand manager or owner, if a brand is to prosper and be sustained in any competitive market. A subconscious contract exists between a producer and the clients, to the effect that the brand must meet and surpass a mark of quality that is appreciable to its consumers, if the loyalty and patronage of the consumers is to be sustained. To this extent, if managers fail to meet or surpass the standard of quality that is obtainable and attained by competing brands in a market, especially when it fails to meet the expectation of consumers, a negative brand experience ensues, which could lead to the decline and possible death of the brand. 4. Giving adequate protection to a brand is an option that should be given adequate attention to by a manager and his team, if they want their product to do well in the market. A brand and its unique identity should not only be given legal protection in the form of copyright and patent cataloguing, which prevents dubious replication by fraudsters and even competition but should also be protected by maintaining an appreciable standard and quality, which should be jealously guarded and should never be compromised, immersed in scandal, or be allowed to tread the paths of deficient and mediocre products and brands. 5. In many cases, brand managers make the tragic mistake of rating and quantifying their brands and the charge of sustaining it as cost, rather than assets, and the outcome is unpleasant and detrimental to the development and sustainability of the brand. A brand is among the most prized asset of any entity, product, or producer; whatever is thus spent in advertising and marketing a brand should be treated as an investment, rather than as cost. Trying to quantify the effects of investing (advertising and marketing) in a brand may not be visible in the balance sheet, but in the long run, evaluation of state of affairs in the market will reveal the enviable function that the investments in the brand is yielding. Thus, investments made in the development, advertising, and marketing of a brand is not wasted, and should not be treated as cost, but as a high-yielding investment by brand managers. 6. Treating customers and other stakeholders with esteem is one practice that should not be neglected by brand managers, if the desire to establish a viable brand is to be achieved. In a corporate environment, good corporate governance should be observed, if the yearnings and aspirations of customers, patrons, and shareholders are to be met. This cannot be achieved in the absence of a workforce that is not ade
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Elements Of Dance :: essays research papers
After reading the handout about tribal dances and ceremonies, I learned a lot of interesting things I never knew before. I guess the fact that I haven’t taken a dance class ever before and wasn’t taught too much about dance in grammar school or high school, I was ignorant to how important and how influential ritual dances are within a society.      Dancing is an activity that can be dated as far back as the Stone Age, when people first existed on this planet. Not only that, ritual dances can be found in almost every culture today. In some areas of the world, dancing is a way of life. It can be used for a variety of reasons such as; Fertility rituals, Initiation rituals, Rituals of the Hunt and Animals, Healing and funeral rituals, and War and Weapon rituals.      Rituals are traditional clusters of actions. They are performed for the most part to cast magical spells and to influence gods and spirits. Rituals are also passed down from generation to generation.      The ritual dance that my group performed last Tuesday in class was titled War and Peace. It started off violent with an intense fight scene and ended with everyone being brought back to life and coming together with the linkage our hands, representing peace. With everything going on in the world right now, we thought it was an appropriate ritual dance to do because the point of it was to show how we must not kill each other. We must come together, figure out our differences and make peace. This ritual would be considered a specific ritual, which has a specific one-time purpose. The purpose obviously being the end of the terrorism that’s going on and the prevention of a war.      The other type of ritual the handout talks about is a cyclical. A cyclical is repeated each year or season. An example of this would be a rain dance that a tribe might do during a dry season when their crops need water. It seemed to me that the other two ritual dances did in class were probably cyclicals. They seemed as though they were dances that could be used over and over again as opposed to our ritual that had a one-time purpose.      Another interesting fact I found out while reading was how sound plays such a crucial role in a ritual dance. It said that the drummer is the main music maker, and it is thought that the gods are spoken to, through drums.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Abolish or Reform? :: essays research papers
Throughout the world, students are encouraged to attend high school and continue their education. However, many students find it worthless and become uninspired. They blame the faculty, school policies, and fellow students, when they should be blaming themselves. Unchallenging course work is most likely a sign that the student isn’t taking a hard enough course. During my high school experience, students had the opportunity to take college courses through our high school. This gave the more advanced students a chance to practice the same routine as â€Å"normal†students, but still challenge and educate themselves. Abolishing high school would not solve any problems in our educational system. There are many ways to improve upon our school system; however, we need to start at the beginning. In an essay by Harley Tong, high school is portrayed as â€Å"a waste of time and a struggle to remain interested in schoolwork.†He continues to describe his own experiences and how they led him to begin his college career two years earlier than most students. He complains of the way that he was physically and verbally abused by other students, which is the case in many high schools. High school is not only a cognitive learning environment; it is also a social learning environment. Students learn how to communicate with fellow pupils, teachers and administrators. They find out how to come independent from their parents and how to prepare for the rest of their lives. I believe that Harley Tong was simply too advanced for his surroundings. He most likely found the other students immature and didn’t fit in with them. In his case, he found a solution to attend a community college instead of his high school, which I commend him for. Many students in his situation would simp ly drop out, and that is not the answer. George F. Will’s â€Å"College President’s Plan: Abolish High School†conveys ideas that had never crossed my mind. He states, â€Å"For various reasons, some rooted in American history and others reflecting recent developments, education has become, for the moment, the most salient social concern and therefore the most potent political issue.†Will introduces Leon Botstein, who doesn’t actually option to abolish high school, just to change the structure of our schools in general. Botstein says that high school was created for 15- to 18-year-olds who were still children. In today’s society, those children are now young adults who are physiologically and psychologically more advanced.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Computer Technology Essay
The education system world wide has been vying to raise the quality of education as reflected in the volumes of research regarding quality education and teacher effectiveness. In the light of the rapid advancement of technology, more research attention has been given to the integration of information and computer technology (ICT) with the educational design and curriculum. It has been included for since computers were invented, however because of the rapid rate by which modernization occurs, the ministries of education for every country must be able to cope up by intensifying the rate degree of integration while upholding quality content and instruction as well. In present Saudi Arabia, the application of satellite technology had been the focused issue because of its potential to elevate the quality of teaching and learning at all levels (Al-Sharhan 2000). Studies have shown Australian states as a model for the significant links communication systems provide for students across the nation to interact and add valuable substance to their learning (Al-Sharhan 2000). The potential of such satellite communication new instated in Saudi Arabia and its uses for educational purpose is yet an area to be discovered and studied because of the reduced equipment, maintenance and operational cause that this technological advancement provides (Al-Sharhan 2000). However, the education system in Saudi Arabia must be prepared by properly equipping their teachers, their curriculum, and their students for the changes that would occur as the operation of the satellite communication are full-fledged. The important focus of this management plan is to introduce ICT and integrate it into the method of quality teaching and learning to the highest degree possible. In ten years time the great need to close the â€Å"performance gap†between the schools and colleges in terms of achieving the goals of a world class high quality education would be eradicated if not it would totally minimal compared to the global leaders in education (Kelly 2001). The current status of the education system defined by limited technology. Studies are still underway into how the satellites can be used however, at present; there are still no clear terms in how it must be used before this quality teaching and learning framework. Planning for improvement must be based upon the baseline or the â€Å"initial audit†of the school and college to include the opinions of the parents, the students, and the staff as the starting point for quality management (Kelly 2001). Considerations must be a unified expected outcome, the welfare of the internal customers, the key persons responsible for implementation and task assignments and a means to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan (Kelly 2001). Overview There must be a close consideration for the content and educational design for the integration of ICT into the curriculum and into the classroom instruction (Naidu 2003). Content refers to the information or in the scenario of the ICT integration, electronic information that the students would get as learners (Naidu 2003). Educational design refers to the processes that the educators would use in planning and providing the education for the students (Naidu 2003). The faculty needs to be prepared and guided for the integration of the technology. As the method of instruction would be elevated and modernized, the teaching quality must be improved as well and not be forgotten in the excitement for advanced technology (Fraser 2004). Regulatory and quality assurance would be increased, however there would be a shift from a managerial system to an academic accountability system for the teachers in the college as they have more freedom as well as responsibility when their methods for instruction grows wider (Fraser 2004). The increased emphasis on quality and accountability would be a response to the changes that the colleges and universities would have with a change in their material conditions as the satellite technology become fully accessible and utilized in education (Fraser 2004). As most teachers are used to the traditional technologies, they must be aware that every tool that would become available has something unique and valuable to offer (Clark et al. 2003). Technology can enrich any course subject in ways the traditional method cannot (Clark et al. 2003). In terms of assessment such ICT programs, a web-based assessment reflects the continuum of assessment types because of their nature of improvement (Naidu 2003). Traditional assessments were known to lack a variety and autonomy as well as student choice, they were also lacking in work-based application and project-based learning as well as limited peer and self-assessment strategies (Naidu 2003). ICT-based assessments would be introduced in this plan to be able to evaluate the quality of an ICT-integrated education system. Satellite communications are used for different applications that can both be used for educational purposes; one is for remote sensing, taking pictures and capturing scientific data and the other for telecommunication purposes (Al-Sharhan 2000). Their difference in purpose can point to different themes and school activities by which they would be used. The telephone link would be one of the most important contributions this satellite technology can have for the schools of Saudi Arabia (Al-Sharhan 2000). Theoretical Foundations Expected Outcome Teachers. The computer and all the benefits it can provide have been massively changing the perception for teaching instruction (Nicholls 2002). The expectations have become higher in terms of teacher preparation and delivery in relation to quality education (Nicholls 2002). The teachers can not be one way or the other when it comes to technology; most of the time, some either ignore technology because of the lack of trust and knowledge or rely on them because of familiarity (Nicholls 2002). The implementation of this plan would enable the teachers to be comfortable with teaching with technology. In less than ten years, the staff would become so familiar with ICT that it would be the new normalcy when it comes to quality education. The elevation of standard for the Saudi Arabia schools would reflect that not only a few subjects would make use of such ICT-based curriculum, but it would be a requirement for every subject course and professor. The educators would be the ones introducing technological advancement to their students with their methods and in turn the students would be equipped to use them because of such instruction. Students. The satellite technology would be able to accommodate a large number of students simultaneously and over an extended geographical area (Al-Sharhan 2000). Most of the students are more IT literate and expect technology to be used for teaching by the educators (Nicholls 2002). The teachers, who are well-equipped in operating technology, would be able to customize their activities to fit the needs of the students. It encourages the students to go beyond the lecture to expand their learning and to conduct self-directed study (Nicholls 2002). The school may have web-based discussion forums, electronic mailing lists that enhance student participation and individualized learning (Nichols 2002). The Education System. The integration of ICT and the use of satellite technology can be potential for elevating the standard of the education system in developing countries to overcome specific problems such as loosing high quality teachers due to emigration to other countries, shortage of physical equipment and materials in many schools (Al-Sharhan 2000). The combat against high adult literacy can also be fought better given the Open University potential for online learning (Al-Sharhan 2000). It also provides the solution for segregating male and female students that would be difficult in physical classrooms but would be possible with online classrooms that would give more educational opportunities to women than before (Al-Sharhan 2000).
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